What To Expect

This page is dedicated to bring you in-depth teaching from God’s Word that is timely, relevant, and, hopefully, anointed. It is our pledge to never compromise God’s Word, never to apologize for what it says, and to flavor it with ourselves as little as humanly possible.
Lessons 4 Heart

This page is dedicated to bring you in-depth teaching from God’s Word that is timely, relevant, and, hopefully, anointed. It is our pledge to never compromise God’s Word, never to apologize for what it says, and to flavor it with ourselves as little as humanly possible.

If you would like to see us address a particular topic, please contact us through our contact form on the About Us page.

Unless otherwise noted, you may distribute these materials freely, but entirely unaltered. And if any of our materials have been of benefit to you or to someone you love, please feel free to donate generously. The gospel message declared in the Bible is free, but the exposition of that message costs the expositors a good deal of time and money.

Finally, feel free to comment, correct, or applaud our materials. Tell us what you think, good or bad. As the Scriptures tell us:

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” —Proverbs 27:17

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