Down-home Parables

A Blog by Richard Wayne Fry


Pay Attention

In the overall scheme of things the issue surrounding Phil Robertson is nothing more than another crater on the moon; in a year who is really going to notice. But in the more immediate sense, and this is really where you need to start paying attention, what we are looking at is the birth of hate mongering of Christians. Read More...

Christmas Myths & Facts

There are a number of Christmas quizzes, games, and such that people may participate in online. Quizzes dealing with the words of carols, games about cartoon adaptations of the Christmas story. But there are few online venues where you can have your understanding challenged regarding the Bible version of The Christmas Story.

Dogs — Our Examples For Better Relationships

I currently have two dogs, Sadie and Phoebe. Sadie is a Shih-tzu, and Phoebe is a Yorkie-poo. Sadie likes to just cuddle and soak up the goodness found in people. Phoebe, however, is still puppy-like in both attitude and actions. Phoebe is not much on cuddling up because that is such a serious waste of time; she would much rather play and give kisses. But my two dogs, like most any other dog, are much more than ego boosters. Read More...

Just What Is the Reason For The Season

Yes, it is Christmastime once again. Carols, lights, excitement, the smell of cinnamon in nearly every store, and the aroma of cookies baking in the oven. As we look around at all the things offered at Christmastime, there is only one thing that is missing — Yeshua. Let’s face it, Yeshua is no longer the reason for the season in the hearts and minds of most people. Read More...
Richard-Wayne: Fry

Hebrews 2:10

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